P. 89

Kariz Underground City
                                                                                          The Kariz Aqueduct is
                                                                                          a tourist and historical
                                                                                          area in Kish dating back
                                                                                          more than 2,500 years. It
                                                                                          is located at a depth of
                                                                                          16 meters underground
                                                                                          and its roof is covered in
                                                                                          shells and corals that are
                                                                                          270 to 570 million years
                                                                                          old, according to experts.
                                                                                          It covers an area of 10,000
                                                                                          square meters and is on
                                                                                          the list of the most impor-
                                                                                          tant monuments in the
                                                                                          world due to its unique
                                                                                          features such as fresh wa-
                                                                                          ter, fresh air and coral roof
                                                                                          that is full of ancient fossi-
                                                                                          ls. The underground city of
                                                                                          Kariz has three aqueducts
                                                                                          and 274 wells. It is consi-
                                                                                          dered a recreational area
                                                                                          that gives the possibility of
                                                                                          visiting the ancient qanats
                                                                                          of Kish. Some of these
                                                                                          wells are completely intact
                                                                                          and some of them have
                                                                                          been modified to form a
                                                                                          cone for air conditioning
                                                                                          and better lighting. A part
                                                                                          of this underground city
                                                                                          is dedicated to craft stalls,
                                                                                          art galleries, restaurants,
                                                                                          museums, etc...

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