P. 84

4.  Reduces stress and improves   to gently surface, to be observed,   Try this mindfulness practice
               focus.                         without judgement. This practice   before your next workout
             Many athletes often view training   automatically re-trains the body to   Find a quiet spot to sit outside, or
             as a form of active meditation   be more emotionally resilient, less   in the corner of the gym 5 minutes
             without feeling the need to actually   reactive, thereby improving focus.   before your workout. Close your
             ‘meditate’. However there is a big   This enables athletes to overcome   eyes and center yourself, breathing
             difference. When sitting in stillness,   challenges and stay dedicated to   deeply and intentionally. Clear
             the mind is not distracted by    their goals.                     your mind of any stressful thoughts
             movements of the body. Sitting in                                 and negative energy that does not
             meditation allows the thoughts                                    serve you.
                                                                                  Set your intention and mentally
                                                                               run through your workout program.
                                                                               Visualise the muscle groups about
                                                                               to be worked, the feeling of blood
                                                                               flowing through each contraction,
                                                                               as well as how it will look when

                                                                               1.  Breathe in through the nose,
                                                                                  counting to four, slowly. Feel the
                                                                                  air enter your lungs.

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