P. 82

             PHOTOS: MARINA SFEIR &
             MAZ VALCORZA

                     hen we think about fitness   This often involves slowing down,
                     and bodybuilding, we       paying attention, being fully present
             Woften think about strong          and engaged in the task at hand
             sculpted bodies. We think about the   without judgement.
             extreme hard work and  discipline    Meditation is a specific
             to achieve such physiques. Some    intentional practice of “non-doing”,
             may even perceive it as “vanity,” a   where we also become an observer
             representation from the outside in.   of our inner world. There are
             However, like many other sports,   many styles of meditation which
             there is a powerful strength an    may use imagery or a repetitive
             athlete can possess that is often   mantra (word or sound) to help
             overlooked. This strength can only   aid concentration in the practice.
             occur by a practice that begins    Vedic meditation teacher, Daniel
             from the inside out. And that is   Snow, says that his practice
             meditation and mindfulness, an     allows students to “integrate their
             important practice that prepares   experiences, release stress from the
             the mind for mental and physical   body and align them with their true
             toughness. A practice which allows   nature”.
             athletes to let go of the anxiety    Arnold Schwarzenegger also
             that may come from heavy training   immersed himself in a year-
             loads, competitions and stressors   long practice of Transcendental
             of daily living. At the same time, it   Meditation, sitting 20 minutes in
             can help significantly with recovery,   the morning and 20 minutes at
             focus and even contribute to muscle   night every day. “Within 14 days
             growth. In fact, it is so important   or three weeks, I got to the point
             that if you are not integrating    where I could really disconnect my
             this practice into your own fitness   mind, learn how to focus more and
             journey, you could be losing out on   calm down”. In “Generation Iron”,
             some great progress.               bodybuilder Hidetada Yamagishi
                                                was seen meditating after his
             What is mindfulness?               workout.
             Mindfulness often gets confused      Here are a few benefits of
             with meditation, though it is an   including a regular meditation and
             aspect of meditation. Mindfulness   mindfulness practice in your fitness
             is an informal practice that allows   program!
             us to engage in everyday activities
             with intention and awareness,      1. Hormonal benefits
             such as mindful eating, mindful    More research is showing that
             conversation, and mindful training.   regular meditation can change

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