P. 77

>  Social competence: the ability to maintain
                empathy with other people, which
                implies social skills, good communication
                management, respect, understanding, etc...
               >  Competence for life and wellbeing:  knowing
                how to successfully face daily challenges,
                adopting appropriate and responsible
                attitudes. We can include the ability to set
                realistic goals, make decisions, seek resources
                and help, etc...

                                  WHY IS EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE
                                         IMPORTANT IN SPORTS?

               Here we present some        >  On a physical level: it     If, as an athlete, you
               variables that confirm the    includes knowing how to   include these personal
               relevance of emotional        organize, not obsessing   reflections in your daily life,
               intelligence in sporting      about sports and physical   you will see how your mind,
               activity:                     activity, having moments   your character, your vital
                                             of rest and relaxation, time   functions towards yourself
               >  On an emotional level:     management and proper     and others will be more
                the orientation towards      eating habits.            fruitful, more real and more
                achieving objectives,      >  On a social level: it is   plausible.
                focus, competitiveness,      important to know how
                identification of sporting   to relate better with your
                and personal values stand    team, coaches, trainers,
                out. Self-assessment,        physiotherapists, etc...
                teamwork, leadership,      >  On a rational level: we
                empathy, control of          learn how the game works,
                negative reactions and       technical and tactical
                emotions, among others.      aspects.

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