P. 76

T E X T:  V I CEN Ç  RED O N D O  l
                                                                        P H O T OS :  J OS E F  AD LT
                                                                  DO YOU




                                                                   The so-called “Emotional
                                                               Intelligence” is defined as: “the
                                                                 ability to recognize our own
                                                                 feelings and those of others,
                                                                 to motivate ourselves and to
                                                               properly manage relationships”,
                                                                according to Daniel Goleman
                                                                (Stockton-USA, March 7, 1946)

                                                   WHAT ARE THE COMPONENTS
                                                   OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE?

                             As components of emotional    to Robert Rosenthal, the    always be a realistic and
                             intelligence, we can identify the   elements that allow the   feasible optimism over
                             following:                    emergence of empathy        time.
                                                           are: attention, a sense of   >  Emotional self-
                             >  Positive attitude-         mutual wellbeing and        awareness:  being aware
                               Empathy: Ability to         non-verbal coordination.    of our moods, feelings,
                               identify with someone     >  Optimism: Optimism is      behaviours, and the
                               and share their feelings. It   the propensity to see and   thoughts we have about
                               is an activity that is based   judge things in their most   our moods.
                               on the fact of sharing the   favourable light and to   >  Emotional self-control:
                               other person’s emotions.    have a strong expectation   ability to handle personal
                               Understanding why           that, in general, things    emotions appropriately,
                               others feel the way they    will go well. Optimism is   having good focus
                               do is the basic foundation   an attitude that seeks not   strategies in stressful
                               of the ability to establish   to fall into apathy, despair   situations and the ability
                               successful social           or depression in the face   to generate positive
                               relationships. According    of adversity. But it must   emotions.

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