P. 85

2.  Hold your breath for 4 seconds.                                begin to understand that every
                 Avoid inhaling or exhaling for                                   breath, every thought, every lift,
                 these 4 seconds.                                                 just like every meal, contributes
               3.  Slowly exhale through your                                     to the masterpiece that is your
                 mouth for 4 seconds.                                             physique, as well as your life. It’s
               4.  Repeat steps 1 to 3 until you feel                             a transformative journey that
                 re-centered.                                                     holds no limits when you remain
                                                                                  focused from the inside out.
                 Stay present, keeping yourself                                     Some meditation apps I
               in this state, as you begin the                                    recommend:
               first warm-up sets to initiate the
               mind-muscle connection. Take                                       •  Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.
               short meditative breaks in between                                   com
               working sets to re-focus especially                                •  Headspace: https://www.
               when the thoughts begin to          “                      
               wonder. Repeat the mindfulness                                     •  Manifestie:
               and breathing exercise whenever
               you need. It is always there for you to
               access at any time.                 Finish the                     References
                 Finish the workout with another   workout with                   1. Balban MY, Neri E, Kogon MM,
                                                                                   Weed L, Nouriani B, Jo B, Holl G,
               quiet meditation to promote                                         Zeitzer JM, Spiegel D, Huberman
               relaxation and to aid in muscle     another quiet                   AD. Brief structured respiration
               recovery.                                                           practices enhance mood and reduce
                 In conclusion, mindfulness and    meditation                      physiological arousal. Cell Rep Med.
                                                                                   2023 Jan 17;4(1):100895.
               meditation practices are one of                                    2. Basso JC, McHale A, Ende V, Oberlin
               the most powerful yet underused     to promote                      DJ, Suzuki WA. Brief, daily meditation
               tools to elevate one’s fitness and                                  enhances attention, memory, mood,
               bodybuilding journey. You will      relaxation                      and emotional regulation in non-
                                                                                   experienced meditators. Behav Brain
                                                   and to aid                     3. Mohammed, W., et al. Effect of
                                                                                   Res. 2019 Jan 1;356:208-220.
                                                   in muscle                       Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
                                                                                   (MBSR) in Increasing Pain Tolerance
                                                   recovery.                       and Improving the Mental Health of
                                                                                   Injured Athletes. Front Psychol. 2018
                                                                                   May 15;9:722
                                                                                  4. Rusch HL, et al. The effect of
                                                                                   mindfulness meditation on sleep
                                                                                   quality: a systematic review and meta-
                                                                                   analysis of randomized controlled
                                                                                   trials. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2019
                                                                                  5. Torkamani, F., et al. Effects of Single-
                                                                                   Session Group Mantra-meditation
                                                                                   on Salivary Immunoglobulin
                                                                                   A and Affective State: A
                                                                                   Psychoneuroimmunology Viewpoint.
                                                                                   Explore. 2018. 14(2):114-121.

                                                                                       ABOUT THE AUTHOR:
                                                                                           ALICE NGUYEN
                                                                                   is an integrative Chiropractor and IFBB
                                                                                   Elite Pro Bikini athlete. She practices in
                                                                                   Bondi Junction, Sydney, and is passion-
                                                                                    ate about health, transformation and
                                                                                    personal growth and development.

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