P. 87

KISH ISLAND   served as a way station and link   mainland Persia, Kish assumed    from the airport to the shores near

                 Kish Island’s strategic location
                                                                                   the Shayan hotel. Along the coast
                                                 its advantageous position and
                                                 enjoyed many benefits until
               for the Assyrian and Elamite
                                                                                   of Kish there are coral reefs and
                                                 the end of the Ashkanid and
               civilizations almost 5,000 years
                                                                                   other smaller islands.
                                                                                       The population’s occupation
               ago. Kish, in particular, was
                                                   Kish has beautiful and unique
               economically linked to the
                                                 nature, quiet beaches with coral
                                                                                   navigation and commerce, and
               Persian Empire. In the year       Sassanian empires.                is fishing, livestock farming,
               325 BC, Alexander the Great       sand and clear transparent water.   in the past they were dedicated
               commissioned Nearchus to launch   The climate is mild in winter and   to oyster fishing to extract their
               an expedition trip through the    humid in summer (average annual   pearls. The local cuisine of Kish
               Sea of Oman and the Persian Gulf.   temperature is 26.6° C). The    includes a variety of dishes such as
               Nearchus’ writings on Arakata     surface of the island is flat, with   “Qelyeh”, “Mazrubeh” and “Hariseh”
               are the first known mention       no mountains or even high hills.   which are often prepared with
               of the island of Kish in ancient   Its maximum inclination extends   fish.
               times. Due to its proximity to

                                                                                   The Greek ship
                                                                                   At the South Eastern end of the
                                                                                   island we have the Greek wreck.
                                                                                   One of the attractions of the
                                                                                   island is travelling to watch the
                                                                                   sunset at this point. In the water,
                                                                                   a short distance from the coast
                                                                                   you find a Greek cargo ship that
                                                                                   has run aground on the bottom.
                                                                                   The ship was built by William
                                                                                   Hamilton in 1943 in Port Glasgow,
                                                                                   Scotland, weighing 7061 tons and
                                                                                   136 meters in length.

                    The island beach
                    The beach, the sun, the water, the clean air, the blue
                    sky and the perfect peace have turned Kish into a jewel
                    in the Persian Gulf. One of the wonders of Kish Island
                    is its silver coastline that sparkles in the sun. It is a
                    unique feature of the coast of this island. The sea water
                    is clear and transparent. Environmentalists attribute
                    this property to the island’s corals and believe that the
                    corals naturally cause the water’s clarity. Kish beach is
                    one of the largest beaches, where travellers can relax
                    far away from the noise. The local fish and other aquatic
                    animals are an exceptional feature. At the same time,
                    the fishermen of this island catch the best edible fish in
                    the country. Fishing enthusiasts can fish on the southern
                    and western coasts of the island. Kish Beach is one of
                    the safest beaches in the world. There are no dangerous
                    sharks in the island’s coastal water and it is safe for
                    swimming. Sharks seen on the beach eat small fish and
                    are not dangerous to swimmers. The beach of this island
                    can be used in both cold and warm seasons and has the
                    possibility of practicing water sports.

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